Friday, August 29, 2014

Pencil Project

     For the pencil project we had to first make a basic pencil, then a personalized pencil, then a creative piece with two complementary objects. I chose to do a spaceship and stars. I really like the way my personalized pencil turned out. This is the first project I made on illustrator, and I learned a bunch of new stuff during this project.My three takeaways for this project are: 
-you have to have the area selected before you use the live paint tool
- you can use the arrow keys to move objects away, then back to the exact spot
- to join line segments you have to select all the lines then press command j

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Six Shot Video Sequence

My Six Shot Video Sequence Consists of...

- Extra Close Up: close up of the hands
- Over the Shoulder: shows what the person is doing
- Close Up: shows the person
- Medium Shot: shows the person from the hips up
- Wide Shot: shows what the person is doing
- Extra Wide Shot: shows the whole story

     During this project I learned how to work with Final Cut Pro, and how to arrange shots to make a story. Videos tell a story so there has to be a beginning, middle, and end. I also learned that when you are story boarding and editing, you are not supposed to put wide shots next to each other, but it is O.K. to have multiple close ups in a row. Final Cut Pro is not too hard to work with, it is pretty similar to iMovie, so I know the basics of it.

The next project I do I will defiantly use the keyboard shortcuts that I learned on Final Cut Pro, and the basic shots. I will remember how to layout the shots, and not to put two wide shots next to each other. I will defiantly remember to always use a tripod! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is Graphic Design?

What is Graphic Design?

     Graphic design is a way to express an idea in a way that a lot of people will understand. Graphic design is a way to make information less boring and easier to understand.  We use graphic design in almost everything, so it is important to design as though you are the consumer. The goal with graphic design is to create something that people will remember, and cause them to make memories. Everybody has a different definition for graphic design, but is important to believe in your definition, and make it show in your designs.